A new member on the U.S. market as Hyundai, automobile manufacturer in Korea for its products has improved significantly in recent years. Cars and sport utility vehicle SUV Hyundai has brought a new level for cars with affordable prices.
Hyundai started as a civil construction company by founder Chung Ju Yung in 1947 and is one of the leading construction companies throughout the decade Korea 50.Late 1960s, Mr. Chung decided to turn to the automotive sector. At that time the Korean government to import cars that will be better than domestic production. But Mr. Chung was selected follow his own ideas, establishing Hyundai Motor Company in 1967.
Pony, the first car from Hyundai design and production in 1974
The company quickly built with the cooperation of Ford - one of the oldest cars. The joint venture contract assembly sharing technology with 2-year period was signed in 1968 and has released the first product is a car brand Cortina. Then, with the support of technology Mitsubishi, Japan, Hyundai's first car designed and manufactured in Korea named Pony was launched in 1974.
Hyundai began to penetrate the U.S. market in 1986 with the launch of small car line Excel. After the first seven months on the market, sales of Excel has peaked with more than 100,000 units sold. By 1988, after accruing enough experience, Hyundai began producing vehicles using its own technology and Sonata midsize car is the first result of this effort.
However, the emerging picture of Hyundai in the U.S. was quickly faded, falling sales by offering the strength and poor reliability. In the 90s, the company was determined to cling U.S. market by actively invest, improve and design new products with quality and reliability. This decision has brought its considerable success in the early years of the new millennium through more and more people want to own Hyundai products.
The company has gradually dispel concerns and doubts about the quality of their products by issuing a long-term warranty Special (10 years and 160 thousand km for transmission, engine and gearbox!) . Although the Hyundai product line less than other manufacturers, but the company has gained market share over the Kia brand, a brand of Korean automobile company acquired in 1998. At present, Hyundai has been known as a manufacturer of high-value cars with reasonable price.
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