Public transportation system (in omnibus) is the first organization may have started in Nantes, France in 1826, when a former official construction of public baths in the suburbs and created a short bus which runs from downtown to the bathroom there. When she discovered that the passengers of his car to the point mid-way down, not to the bathroom, he immediately switched attention to the development of vehicle routing.

The units voiture omnibus ("car for everyone") is the coach hired to run a predetermined route from point to point the other, carrying passengers and goods.The omnibus of his units is characterized by rows of wooden benches along both sides of the vehicle for; way up in the back.
Somehow direct competition, or because the idea was aired on the radio, to the 1832 initiative was copied in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyons. A newspaper in London reported on July 4, 1829 that "new vehicle, called the omnibus, which began running this morning from Paddington to the city". This bus service in London by George Shillibeer operating.
Somehow direct competition, or because the idea was aired on the radio, to the 1832 initiative was copied in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyons. A newspaper in London reported on July 4, 1829 that "new vehicle, called the omnibus, which began running this morning from Paddington to the city". This bus service in London by George Shillibeer operating.

In New York City, omnibus services also opened the same year, when Abraham Brower, an entrepreneur has organized the volunteer fire companies, established a route along Broadway Avenue beginning at Bowling Green . Other cities in the United States moves quickly: Philadelphia 1831, Boston in 1835 and Baltimore in 1844. In most cases, the city government awarded a license for private companies-often companies that have operations in the field of transportation by horse-an online exclusive operating a wagon along a predetermined path. In return, the company accepted to provide a minimum level of service that-although the service standards are also not very high. Omnibus of New York quickly become familiar with the urban population. In 1831, Washington Irving, of New York, commented on the British Reform Act (finally passed in 1832) with the statement: "The great Reform omnibus moves but Slowly." (Changing bus was running but very slowly.)
Omnibus has a huge impact on society, especially as it has promoted urbanization.Socially, the omnibus that citizens of the city, not crowded, touching the body together like never before, even for a half hour (see illustration at left). Only the very poor coming out of it. Then a new division in society is ready to happen, between those who support and oppose. The omnibus was crowded to the idea "in vehicle sales," to serve customers who do not want to put the foot down the road, goods will be brought to take place for them to choose.
Omnibus also extended their reach to take the city in British North Atlantic, the city post-Georgian architecture, post-Federal. The walk from Paddington to London shopping center in the same "city" rather tiring day for both a young man of good health. Omnibus make people in the suburbs have more opportunities than in the city center.
The process of urbanization is increasingly crowded. Within a few years, the New York omnibus had a rival electric car: first tram line running along the Bowery, Manhattan, and it brings to passenger comfort level is much higher when running on the rails by smooth steel rather than clattering on the road surface granite, known as "rock". The new tram line is John Mason, a wealthy banker financed, and John Stephenson, a building contractor of Ireland. Later, electric vehicles have taken the position of the omnibus in the process of urbanization.
When transported by motor vehicles have proven their capabilities since 1905, a motor omnibus is sometimes called the autobus.
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