Under the leadership of Henry Ford, Highland Park plant every month can be shipped 26.000 a Model "T" without resorting to assembly line!This helps speed Ford's productivity exceeds the threshold 300,000 units a year. One in five cars on the road, more than a branded Ford (accounting for 22% of the market)
Only after 4 years of launch vehicles, "T" has accounted for three quarters of total U.S. vehicle.
Ford had to 3,500 car dealers nationwide.
Ford hired Clarence Avery Research, factory visits Highland Park, Michigan and then mounted an assembly line. The process as opposed to conventional assembly line - all the details are forwarded to the close fitting - xi. Workers must travel along lines close to each cylinder for assembly-details, no one thought to move the chains close-xi.
In mid 1913, Ford Motor put on the assembly line ignition systems, motor and gearbox plant in Highland Park, Michigan. In this chain assembly time for the ignition system is saving up to 75%, from 20 minutes to a reduced 5 minutes. The effective use of line to level the close-cylinder assembly can not catch up the progress. At the end of 1913, instead of all the details to look-cylinder mounted on the pulley system is put to use to move the taxi close to the end of the assembly line. This method quickly reduces assembly time for a close-xi from 12 hours to 2 hours, and at the end of December 1913, the time is shortened to 40 minutes. Continuous line is put into use in 01 in 1914.

On May 01, Ford completed installation of chain link transportation plants close-xi in Highland Park, Michigan.
This line is the result of the process of finishing off since not shy model "T" was launched in 1908. This was not possible without the testing stage conveyor system to transport machine parts and assembly job give details of the car into continuous lines in 1913. By the end of 1914, the improvements on the transport chain closely-cement has shortened complete assembly of a Model "T" to 1 ½ hours!.
Efforts and continuous improvement in Highland Park plant alone leads to the assembly line Model "T" had to 15.000 machinery and equipment support!
Henry Ford has promised next year if the car Model "T" in excess of 300,000 units sold, the company will discount for all customers, and in late years, Ford has spent more than $ 15 million for 308 313 owner of the Model "T"
Having the advantages of Vietnamese continuous assembly line, Ford's labor policies apply "to work 8 hours a day pay $ 5," This is double the salary of the normal level, but Ford knew that to do so he could create a kick to the market model "T".
With a continuous line, Ford has pushed yields exceed 500,000 vehicles / year, while lowering cost Model "T" down to 440 dollars and increase wages by 5 dola/ngay- double the industry standard America and the equivalent of 6 working days per worker in the UK. Thus the purchasing power of a worker for Ford doubled the purchasing power of other American workers and a six-fold in a British workers have the same job skills.
V8 Cadillac introduced the first American
As from 1911, Durant was the company's Chevrolet 16.000 units shipped. Durant changed the Chevrolet stock for GM shareholders at a rate of five shares take a GM's Chevrolet.
Western Auto Supply a production company specializing in accessories for the Model "T" in Kansas City for goods worth U.S. $ 229,000 at this point, open a second factory in Denver to meet growing demand of customers.
Time use of a tire normally only about 09 months, to 1930 increasing to 2 ½ years.
America's auto output exceeded 800,000 annual units.
In early December the USS Henry Ford hired SS Oscar II ship to Europe and called it the Peace ship. Accompanying him is a group of antiwar activists with a mission call to end the war along with the slogan "Let the children left the trenches before Christmas." But when Ford failed to return to the role of a peacemaker, the estrangement of the public that James Couzens to give up management positions, but still retains shares in the company.
There were 2 million cars in the U.S.
The number of 91,780 cars from the factory to Willys-Overland had become the 2nd largest automobile manufacturer in the world.
Alfred P. Sloan Hyatt Roller Bearing Company sales are thriving with 13.5 million for General Motors. Become very rich after this affair, but Sloan still not satisfied, the prospect of riches be multiplied if he serve on the Board of GM has joined the group led him to the manager GM United Motors, a small company manufacturing accessories. But it was a turbulent time when his side is a talented Durant and arrogant. Until S.Du Pierre Pont Gm work in helping get rid of the crisis in 1920, the new Sloan significant use by Du Pont found that the ability of the Sloan Management is one of the most valuable assets of GM. In the '20s and then the Du Pont and Sloan who bring strong for GM.
Dodge Brothers (holding 55.2% shares of Ford Motor Co.) Henry Ford brought to court because they did not get the return for the company's shares after Ford had put all their profits for expansion of company. Dodge Brothers prevail and this makes Henry Ford was angry, always threatening to leave Ford Motor to set up a new company cope with Ford Motor stated as not to leave his entire stock. Dodge brothers, James Couzens with other shareholders reluctantly afternoon at the request of Ford and console yourself that make God only Ford did not stop to do it. Then test Ford and his wife and son have recovered all of the shares in the company. Ford Motor now worth a billion dollars.
The inability to compete with Ford in price and product value in the eyes of consumers, other automobile manufacturers recommend purchasing methods by credit card and see if this is how to attract customers.
The first production car in the U.S. every year exceeded 1 million, half of which is Ford Model "T". 734.811 units sold Ford Model "T" within a year. On 01 May 1916 08 model "T" small dollar sold for $ 345 while models 'T' touring sold for 360 dollars.
With 4.5 liter petrol Ford Model can run up to 20 miles
Number of cars registered in the U.S. amounted to $ 4.8 million, while the rest of the world reached 720,000 units.
The evidence shows the influence of the automobile on American life is the word of like "jaywalking" has become the question mouth.
I bet you are wondering how Ford workers which could be adapted to 26.000 cars in one month with no assembly line?
This is the answer: These units are placed in the middle frame in a row on the wood in the factory girls. The more machines to each Sat-xi. The assembly workers moved along the ink vehicle and the Police-only assembly of a task. For example, when the wheel assembly stages there will be a take four wheel assembly position. When the wheel assembly workers in a close-xi, then the other wheel will be taken to the next close-cement workers continue to work on Monday close-xi after the first close-xi.
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